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NARGS NE welcomes Traveling Speaker Christopher Gardner

When: Oct. 13, 10:30AM
Where: Littleton Fire Department Meeting Room, 20 Foster Street, Littleton, MA


Chris Gardner, author and travel guide to exotic sites, NARGS traveling speaker for Fall 2024. In-person, Littleton Fire Station. 

Members N-Z bring a snack to share

11:00 am
“Flora of the Silk Road”

12:30 pm
BYO Lunch and Beverage

1:00 pm
“Flora of the Mediterranean”


Annual Meeting - Talk by Panayoti Kelaidis, Senior Curator of the Denver Botanic Gardens

When: Nov. 2, 10:30AM
Where: Sturtz Room at the Reuben Hoar Library, 35 Shattuck Street, Littleton, MA


Listen to a talk, in-person, by Panayoti Kelaidis, Senior Curator of the Denver Botanic Gardens and immediate past President of NARGS.

10:30 am   Gather for conversation and refreshments.
BYO beverage.
Last name A-M: Please bring a light snack to share.

11:00 am “Glimpses from the Eaves of the World:  The Himalayas"

12:15 pm  Annual Meeting

1:00 pm Catered Lunch

The October Newsletter will have more information about reserving your lunch. Members are also welcome to bring a bag lunch.